Roadmap of a troubled mind

People occasionally ask me why I don't believe in a deity. I either answer that I'd rather not be the butt of some omnipresent entity's joke, or that and I have more faith in human beings. Both are true

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Invest in a darker, colder future

So I bought life insurance today. I am supposed to have a physical tomorrow. Decided to pony up the cash on a 100K policy. The best part about it is that it's a cash maturity investment, and if I actually live to retirement, I can pull out the money with interest compounded somewhere between 4 and 7 percent a year. While that may not be enough to live on, it may be enough to outstrip inflation and leave me with more than I started.

I also started another dividend stock anuity, not too much to start, just maybe $50 a month. However, between this and the Roth IRA I'm toting around I should be able to retire as soon as I can touch the money. yay!

I really need to restructure my deductions at work, I used to use it as kind of a "covert savings plan" but am starting to realize I could use that money and pay it into an interest bearing account and maybe make a couple of dollars on it in the meantime. I think I'm going to do that.

I also need to look into the healthcare savings plan that Bush unveiled a month or so ago, there's like a $50 health premium that only covers you in the event of an incredibly expensive stay. However you're able to put aside an amount of money (pre-tax) to invest in a fund to pay for medical expenses. If you aren't worried about getting sick, this essentially doubles as another income bracket dropping savings plan. Works for me!


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