Roadmap of a troubled mind

People occasionally ask me why I don't believe in a deity. I either answer that I'd rather not be the butt of some omnipresent entity's joke, or that and I have more faith in human beings. Both are true

Monday, June 05, 2006


Immigration is the hot subject this week.

I believe we should both strengthen and secure our border. However, I don't think we should do this under the pathetic pretense of "National Security".

We should enforce immigration because its fair...
We ask people who come into this country to undergo a process of selection. It should be a uniform process. It should be strictly enforced. Why is it that this we should expect this only apply to people with whom we are not neighbors?

But there's an unwritten agreement...
With who? Business. If you come to this country, Pedro, we'll take that fake SS card, call you Mr. Smith, and pay you minimum wage.

Yet, it is EXACTLY this agreement that keeps minorities down...
As long as illegal immigrant labor supply enough work to meet business demand, America has no need to change its immigration policy. Even worse: Because supply is being met, wages are being kept low. If there's no shortage of labor, wages don't rise. Even though immigrant labor puts cash into the economy, Americans don't see that. Americans see that low end labor gets paid crap and we can't get a job because Pedro will do it cheaper. Nevermind the fact that you couldn't pay that same American minimum wage to pick fruit or pick up trash.

So I say send them home and tighten borders!
I say it because I share a heritage with some of these people. I say it because I want people to be treated well. If illegal immigrants were to avoid working in the US for 1 month, the yells for labor would become so great that they'd have no choice but to re-evaluate the process of entry. They'd have no course of action but to eat crow. Maybe then Americans would realize how much they need immigrants, and this would no longer be an issue.